tscheys Software Engineer

A Learning Repository for the Successful Javascript Beginner

Learning Javacript can be overwhelming. To make matters worse, the majority of the content you will find is not up to par. I used to rely on such resources a lot. Therefore I provide you, the novice with a list. A list I wish I had when first starting out.

Instead of learning the things on this list, I made these mistakes:

  • Diving head first into JQuery without having a basic understanding of Javascript itself.
  • Not learning about the more dry CS topics: data structures, algorithms. (Hint: These concepts will indirectly help you write better code)

Eloquent javascript

A free online book intended for beginners (chapters 1 - 4). From chapter 5 and on, the difficulty rises, but is managable for beginners and intermediate codes alike. Start reading the book here


Walks you through the basic concepts of the language by making you complete levels and collect points for your correct solutions. A fun gamification approach to coding. Play some levels learning code here

MDN Mozilla

The best documentation out there on Javascript. Everything from the very basics to the most difficult concepts are covered. Dive into the MDN Mozilla Docs here


Ideal if you are looking at different documentation websites for a project. Devdocs bundles all documentation in one place. DevDocs

JS Bin

Start writing your own code while you are going through the above resources by playing around in an online javascript environment. Enable the Javascript and Console pane and start coding! Start your first JSBin code snippet here

The Command Line Crash Course

The terminal can be a scary place. You might fuck up you whole computer. You might also speed up your coding workflow by a tenfold. Follow these small lessons as a forceful way to break through your fear of the Terminal. Commence Command Line Crash Course


Once you are confident enough in a terminal window it’s time for you to learn git. It looks scary and it can be just that. Everybody struggles with it, it’s comforting you are not alone in this struggle. It is good to learn git even when you are working solo. It will allow you to store multiple versions of your project. This way you can explore multiple ideas at once without ruining all your previous code. Get Immersed in Git here